An intricate analysis.
Shalom Family,
Thanks for accepting the call to corporately study and share on the book of proverbs. We will be doing one chapter a day. I encourage as many as can, to read, study, meditate and share a thought/s from your devotion. May the Lord bless our devotions. Key Verse: Proverbs 1:7 The [reverent] fear of the LORD [that is, worshiping Him and regarding Him as truly awesome] is the beginning and the preeminent part of knowledge [its starting point and its essence]; But arrogant fools despise [skillful and godly] wisdom and instruction and self-discipline.

Proverbs 3.

Day 3 .

Sun May 03 2020 23:59:59 GMT+0300 (East Africa Time)


This chapter has 35 verses.
Theme: Benefits of Wisdom Observe the benefits:
  1. ✅ Verse 2 - Long prosperous life (Full shalom - Prosperity, peace and long life)
  2. ✅ Verse 4 - Favor and good name before God and men
  3. ✅ Verse 8 - Health to the flesh; Physical nourishment (strength to the bones)
  4. ✅ Verse 10 - Abundant filling and overflow in the material/financial
  5. ✅ Verses 14-15 Immeasurable, precious and fine profitability; beyond any known precious metals.
  6. ✅ Verse 16 - Long life
  7. ✅ Verse 17 - Entry into highways of pleasantness and favor; entry into paths of peace
  8. ✅ Verse 18 - Tree of life; blessedness
  9. ✅ Verse 22 - Life and adornment (externally defines you!)
  10. ✅ Verse 23 - Safety of one's ways; walk without stumbling
  11. ✅ Verse 24 - No fear; Sweet sleep
  12. ✅ Verse 25 - No sudden fear (there is general fear and then there is sudden fear) of the wicked for you will be blameless.
  13. Ps. Living out the wisdom of God makes you blameless. Selah
  14. ✅ Verse 26 - God becomes your confidence; protection of your feet from the snares of life.
  15. ✅ Verse 33 - The Lord's blessing on your house.
  16. ✅ Verse 34 - Recipient of God's grace.
  17. Ps. Paul, Peter and John (Revelation) often saluted the saints and prayed for grace and peace in their lives.
  18. ✅ Verse 35 - Heirs of honor.
Ps. If you an heir of honor then your abiding in the wisdom of God "disinherits" you of shame! Selah. . .


Nancy : My mind on chapter Three.

  1. Fearing God enables us turn away from evil.
  2. Finding wisdom in itself is a blessing.
  3. Wisdom is profitable and precious.
    1. Attaining wisdom brings
    2. Long life
    3. Riches
    4. Honor
    5. Happiness


Proverbs 2Outlines the benefits of wisdom and the consequences of living without wisdom. That we should be deliberate and intentional in attaining wisdom

Don Mwas: My thought on proverbs chapter One.

  1. God is the giver of wisdom, and from his mouth comes understanding and knowledge.
  2. once you get wisdom, you will understand what is just, fair and right.
  3. Wisdom will save you from going astray and any kind of harm, and will lead you to walking with righteous men.


You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. Isa26.3

Ciruu Kinitu

  1. Mercy & Truth must continuously be in my heart, by my constant meditation on these they will pave way for favor before God.
  2. Trusting on my own abilities shows lack of wisdom on my part and lack of understanding wisdom.
  3. Wisdom dictates that in everything I should acknowledge God and by so doing He will strengthen my path
  4. My favourite lesson today is: My acts of giving are a demonstration of my Honouring God- (this has nothing to do with the recipient)!
  5. Wisdon and understanding are key to a fulfilling life.
  6. Wisdom secures God as my confidence!!!
I hope I've made some sense. I think speak/write as fast as I think and I know I lose a few people in my train of thoughts🙈

Pst.Obed Proverbs 3

proverbs3 In the old covenant, giving had a limited expression because everything was still a "shadow" awaiting the new covenant unveiling through the person of Jesus Christ.
The shadows consisted in tithe, first fruits, third year tithe (to store houses) etc.. It constantly reminded men that they owned!
But under the new covenant, every "law" was fulfilled through Jesus Christ. And all the requirements were collapsed in to the law of "LOVE".. Under love, there are no measures as it were, there are no limitations. Everything obtains from the love platform.
  1. Knowing that He loved us and adopted us as sons through Christ (Ephesians 1)
  2. Knowing that all He has is ours. So we are heirs. As heirs, then we are by extension stewards and managers who "distribute" in the material as per instruction; the spirit led life.
The supreme giving is first and foremost of self and then all other giving will be acceptable.. The first fruit is of self - a life surrendered to God.
Then from there, since you are just but a steward or manager, you give as instructed.
As you focus on the life of Jesus Christ and the early church (book of Acts), you notice that just like all the 613 laws were collapsed in to a singular law of love, all giving was collapsed to giving out of love... Even when it says let each man giving according to what He has decided in his or heart, for the one that is spirit led, that "decision" is still spirit led.. 🙏 🙏
If truly we have died and risen with Him, it means we no longer live for ourselves but His life. That includes giving as He instructs. 🙏🙏
Have said a lot but I hope you have gotten something..
In short, all giving starts from:
  1. A life that is given to Him.
  2. 100% of all that He has given you! He instructs from there. 🙏 🙏

Joyce Obed: insights into proverbs 3

  1. ✅The spirit of wisdom comes along with truth, mercy and kindness. Vs 3. We should never leave behind these three qualities
  2. ✅Wisdom includes, accepting the chastisement of the Lord. I should be worried when I do not experience the discipline from God. Because His wisdom entails, discipline
  3. ✅I should not depend on my wisdom. Vs 7 says, Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord [with reverent awe and obedience] and turn [entirely] away from evil.
  4. ✅By His wisdom, the Lord created. This is how critical, wisdom is.. We need wisdom and knowledge to create anything in our lives.
  5. ✅In the spirit of loving others compassionately, wisdom teaches us not to withhold doing good when it is in our power to do so. Vs 27
Thank you Lord for your love, grace and favor that has brought us this far. But Lord, we also want to say thank you for your chastisement. It is all good. Teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts to wisdom.. Hallelujah.. Finding wisdom itself is a blessing.. Never seen it this way.

Comment. 2

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