Shalom Family,
Thanks for accepting the call to corporately study and share. We will be doing one chapter a day. I encourage as many as can, to read, study, meditate and share a thought/s from your devotion.
May the Lord bless our devotions.
Key Verse: Proverbs 1:7
The [reverent] fear of the LORD [that is, worshiping Him and regarding Him as truly awesome] is the beginning and the preeminent part of knowledge [its starting point and its essence]; But arrogant fools despise [skillful and godly] wisdom and instruction and self-discipline.
Proverbs 16
Day 16 .
Sat May 16 2020 23:59:59 GMT+0300 (East Africa Time)
Verses: 33
Theme: Further Contrasts Between the Upright and the Wicked
✅ Verse 2 This verse is categorical: ALL THE WAYS of a man are pure (clean and innocent) in his own eyes. No wonder for every way that we err, there is always a rationalization! We ought to subject ourselves to the Lord so that he can weigh the motives and intents of our hearts that conceive our ways.
✅ Verse 3 How do you commit your works to the Lord? First, the motive and intent must be pure (weighed and certified as right before God) so that it passes as what glorifies God. Secondly, there must be a willingness and obedience to do as He dictates. Finally, we must undertake the task with all due diligence; with passion and excellence.
✅ Verse 7 My interpretation of this verse has to do with consistency in the way of righteousness. We ought to be consistent until the enemy is clear about our walk. Then we will be at peace even with our enemies because of our stand in God.
✅ Verse 12 Governance is of great concern to God. Kings, rulers, masters, and all other forms of leadership are authored to do good; established on righteousness. When they behave wickedly, it repulses God.
✅ Verse 23 The heart instructs the mouth and persuades the lips. I n other words, speech reveals what is in the heart. The heart of the wise directs all speech.
✅ Verse 33 Casting lots was used in the Jewish culture (and many others) to determine decisions. We see it happening in several events. Joshua 7:14 – to identify Achan who had sinned; Joshua 14:2 – in the division of the promised land among the tribes of Israel; 1 Samuel 10 – selection of the first king; Jonah 1:7 – to determine who to blame for the sea disaster; etc. In Acts 1:26, Luke reports that the appointment of Matthias as a replacement for Judas was through a casting of a lot! However, as culturally acceptable this was, there is the Holy spirit, He who is the spirit of truth (knows all things) and can lead us to all “knowledge”; lead us to all truth. We should therefore rely on Him.
Ciruu Kiniti: Proverbs 16
Apologies in advance for being lengthy in my past and future sharings in the Book of Proverbs. Nishawapea warning. You actually can skim through what I read...don't punish yourself reading through😂😂nishawapea disclaimer.