Shalom Family,
Thanks for accepting the call to corporately study and share. We will be doing one chapter a day. I encourage as many as can, to read, study, meditate and share a thought/s from your devotion.
May the Lord bless our devotions.
Key Verse: Proverbs 1:7
The [reverent] fear of the LORD [that is, worshiping Him and regarding Him as truly awesome] is the beginning and the preeminent part of knowledge [its starting point and its essence]; But arrogant fools despise [skillful and godly] wisdom and instruction and self-discipline.
Proverbs 17
Day 17 .
Sun May 17 2020 23:59:59 GMT+0300 (East Africa Time)
Verses: 28
Theme: Wise Sayings
✳️ Verse 2 The subject of sonship is critical in understanding who we are. It is a state of being. But sonship brings with it responsibility. This proverbs speaks of sons in a biological sense and within a home setting. If a son is not wise (disgraceful/shameful), a wise servant will rule over him. May we not only be heirs but wise sons who guarantee fruitfulness, multiplication, and filling!
Ps. In the new covenant representation, those who are led by the spirit are the sons of God (Romans 8:14). Such cannot be disgraceful.
✳️ Verse 5 If you mock the poor, you taunt God. This is serious. It means that every time you treat the poor badly, you are taunting (provoking, criticizing, ridiculing, insulting) God. God help us.
✳️ Verse 8 This does not in anyway condone bribery. It is highlighting the deception of bribery and why many get ensnared by it. But God hates bribery (Exodus 23:8; Deuteronomy 10:17; 16:19; 27:25; Job 15:34; Ecclesiastes 7:7; Amos 5:12; Micah 7:3).
✳️ Verse 14 the beginning of strife is likened to a trickle. Meaning it begins from a place of ability to take control. When self-control is not exercised, strife turns into a gush, an avalanche, an outpour, flood, deluge etc. quarrels and tempers explode with disastrous results. The remedy - walk. . take a walk! Walk away!
✳️ Verse 23 To accept a bribe is wickedness. I believe to give a bribe is wicked too.
✳️ Verse 28 SILENCE! A virtue that makes even a fool wise if he or she exercises it. The Book of Proverbs
I pray and hope that besides reading and sharing, we are picking out instructions that we will live by which will mark wise living.
May God continue writing in our hearts His counsel that will make us the living epistles of "wise men and women." Amen.
May this week release for you the bounty of heaven. And even in this season when there seems to be despair and uncertainty, may your lot in Him be secure - may you prosper. Amen.
Ciruu Kiniti: Proverbs 17
Proverbs 17
As I read through today's scripture i felt very nostalgic. Sister @Joyce obed if you thought I am dramatic now you'd have run away if you were in our house growing up, saa hii I've reformed😂😂.
I remember many a times my parents would sit me down in college to discuss my unruly behaviour! (Let me tell you I know about the transforming power of the Holy Spirit).
And my dad would read the book of Proverbs to me. Poor dad. And he'd often quote Proverbs 17: 25 and replace the word son with daughter 😂😂. And today reading this passage I really understand what they were going through. I have a son and how I pray I would never have to have sit downs like the ones I had.
I've also seen negative an impact a fool has to those around him and the society in general and in particular V.12 yaani you'd better meet a bear robbed of it's cub (and the way they are protective) than a fool who is raged! That for me has iced the cake.
Also the issue of corruption is addressed. I have felt a comfort in the reading because we are surrounded by such corrupt leaders and it pains me how Kenya being such a great country is being brought to her knees. My comfort is that these leaders shall never prosper!
Moureen: Proverbs 17
- Always choose an environment of peace over one that has strife.
- Acting in wisdom will make you inherit what was not initially yours.
- Liars itch for dirty gossip.
- Don't mock the poor.
- Children take pride in their parents.
- He who covers transgression seeks love.
- Stop contention before a quarrel starts.
- Don't justify the wicked and don't condemn the just.
- The one who knows much says little, an understanding person remains calm.
- A fool is counted wise when he holds his peace.
(Message bible)