Shalom Family,
Thanks for accepting the call to corporately study and share. We will be doing one chapter a day. I encourage as many as can, to read, study, meditate and share a thought/s from your devotion.
May the Lord bless our devotions.
Key Verse: Proverbs 1:7
The [reverent] fear of the LORD [that is, worshiping Him and regarding Him as truly awesome] is the beginning and the preeminent part of knowledge [its starting point and its essence]; But arrogant fools despise [skillful and godly] wisdom and instruction and self-discipline.
Proverbs 8
Day 8 .
Fri May 08 2020 23:59:59 GMT+0300 (East Africa Time)
✳️ Chapters: 36.
✳️ Theme: Wisdom Personified!
Wisdom is indeed a person. She was there before the world was being created! She was a co-worker at creation.
Observe: Wisdom is expressed as a feminine. The adulteress in chapter 7 is also a female. Two female symbols are exposed in these wise sayings. One female is for the wise and the other is for the foolish; one leads to life the other leads to death. Selah!
✅ Verses 1-8 Wisdom positions herself in the open to be heard and received! Only a fool will reject that which is valuable, gives life and above all, comes free.
✅ Verses 10-11 No precious metal can be compared in value to wisdom. To receive wisdom, you must lose human scales and weights.
✅ Verse 13 This verse is very critical for the days we are living in. If you fear God, you will definitely hate evil. How do you deal with something that you hate? You shun it completely. We are living in a time when the tag “hate or haters” is being used against those who uphold truth and promote the fear of God. As we speak, Facebook or YouTube are either interrupting live videos or pulling them down if they flag them as castigating homosexuality. The reason – not meeting community rules. Community is man and the man of our age has accommodated relativism and the absolute positions of the word of God are now the “intolerable.” To hate evil in our day is deemed as intolerance. Will you stand to hate evil? It begins with obedience in simple ways such as when the spirit tells you not to go to this place, not to engage with this person, not to be late at work, to respect your parents, to stop watching some program or reading some magazine, to get involved in witnessing etc. . . Whatever God says is not good means it is evil and it is to be hated! Remember we are not to hate people at all!
✅ Verses 17-21 The benefits of embracing wisdom. She loves those who love her! Her benefits are more precious than silver or gold.
✅ Verses 22-36 Before “Genesis 1”, she was! Before the created life begun she was. If you hate her who was before the foundations of the created, you have chosen death (vs.36). Selah.
Sau Karani
Hello Family 🙂🙏🏾
Prov 8
What has stood out for me in this chapter is that Wisdom is in deed Jesus Christ Himself. Vs.22-31 explains this. Therefore I can confidently live by His word for He is the Word that was in the beginning. His word is Wisdom and His Word is Life!
Beginning from Verse 1 I see wisdom calls out all the time. In all I do there is a Word in season and out of season. Every situation has a word of wisdom. All I have to do is listen. Pray for discernment.
V. 10 I should chose the word of God instead of what the world gives. When making decision on anything may I the Word of God be the what determines that choice.
Proverbs 8:
Proverb 8 reads that wisdom is crying out from a hill. We are told of the way Jesus went up a hill to b with God. I am sure that when God saw Jesus on a hill it got Gods attention.
Same book It shows God is crying for our attention.
In prov 3;5 n it says trust in the Lord with all ur heart lean not ur own understanding.
I have aspired to understand God. N that's what God wants. To understand him.
Beloved cry out for Gods understanding.✌🏼
Mrs Okello: Proverbs 8
Wisdom is better than gold and silver,we shld put the word of God superior to gold and silver, wisdom doesn't lie, Wisdom is leading the way, when we go out,
When we choose wisdom we are confident.
As Christians we shld seek for Wisdom of God more than anything, nowander Solomon only asked God to give him Wisdom.
Ciruu Kiniti
Proverbs 8
- I love that this chapter begins with Wisdom calling out. Wisdom is calling out for my attention and is telling us that it has the keys to right living. Ih how i wish I'd respond to it daily
-Wisdom only speaks what is right nothing misleading unlike the loose lady. I love this; Wisdom is better than all the trappings of wealth. It's amazing that if I follow lady wisdom and allow myself to be guided by her then the Wisdom can actually make me rich and famous.
-Wisdom will be found by the earnest searcher!
-By finding Wisdom, I find life and the Lord is pleased in me.
Don Mwas Proverbs 8
Proverbs Chapter 8
In this chapter i see the benefits of wisdom for everything we desire, comes from and nothing is more important than her.
-with wisdom, leaders reign and rulers are able to make laws that are just.
-we see that she existed before the world even began
-whoever finds her, receives favor from the lord, and those who hates her, love death
Joyce obed: Proverbs 8
wisdom is calling out and urging that we seek her.
-we should seek wisdom more than silver and gold. As we seek the kingdom of God, all these other things shall be added
-wisdom was there during creation.