An intricate analysis.
Shalom Family,
Thanks for accepting the call to corporately study and share. We will be doing one chapter a day. I encourage as many as can, to read, study, meditate and share a thought/s from your devotion. May the Lord bless our devotions. Key Verse: Proverbs 1:7 The [reverent] fear of the LORD [that is, worshiping Him and regarding Him as truly awesome] is the beginning and the preeminent part of knowledge [its starting point and its essence]; But arrogant fools despise [skillful and godly] wisdom and instruction and self-discipline.

Proverbs 23

Day 23 .

Sat May 23 2020 23:59:59 GMT+0300 (East Africa Time)


Verses: 35
Theme: Various Wise Sayings
✅ Verses 4-5 Ambition to Gain Wealth and the Vanity of Wealth
The richest man that ever lived has counsel on wealth. That you should not weary yourself with an overwhelming desire to gain wealth. That you should “cease” from understanding what wealth is. Interesting counsel considering that we live in times when ambition is highly celebrated, more so ambition to become wealthy. He is not saying do not work. He is not saying do not seek to gain profit. He is saying do not be obsessed. Have a healthy view of it. Make sure your mind towards it is what is added, not the primary.
Verse 5 summarizes the nature of wealth – fleeting; evaporates fast!*
✅ Verses 31-35 The Danger of Strong Drinks Likened to “Serpents and Vipers”
The sins that easily hinder, the weights that slow our faith walk and any other ungodliness are usually packaged in attractive packages. No wonder we are told never to walk by sight but by faith.
Like red wine, it may sparkle before you but will later bite like a serpent and sting like a viper. It will affect your senses – your eyes will see strange things and your heart will say unpalatable things.

Proverbs 23


Evelyn: Proverbs 23

Proverbs 23:4-5 Do not overwork to b rich bcoz of ur own understanding. Cease .will u set on ur eyes on that is on it.
How many people who work tiressly n effortlessly to different companies.
God is wondering y this is so?what can man get out of overworking yourself.
Do not b a man or woman greatly fired on the money of ur careers doubtly get riches out of the persons understanding n not God's understanding.

Ciruu Kiniti: Proverbs 23

I love reading the bible from many translations and in and picking from yesterday's lessons ( Solomon is now sharing 30 wise sayings that are full of wisdom and for wise living)
V4 I felt it personally minister to my soul. Now I don't think Solomon is advocating for an "que sera sera -whatever will be will be)... so that I dont work towards getting wealth. But what is being discouraged here is(in my understanding)the obsession of pursuing wealth. All that I want out of life is riches...that's a wrong attitude.
V13. With the new age thinking where we want to give time outs or "talk" to our children and please don't get me wrong...talking is extremely important especially in this generation but I am a big believer in the power of the Spanker! Of course up to a certain age-but even though my son is a teen and taller than I am I still remind him whose boss. 😊. Of course if I tried using the spanker now it would break into pieces but when he was younger I used it properly.
Lastly V17 I am guilty of obsessing how good others are living and why can't ot be that way for me. And to be honest I know how they earned their wealth (not right at all) but I still envy them. I am reprimanded and desire that in it's place I would fear God.
Obed Pastor: Thanks for leading the way in this reading.. 🙏 🙏 🙏
Bless you. Ciruu Kiniti: 🙏🏾. It's been an exciting and a great learning experience. Can't believe we are almost done 😆...lakini lazima nirudie tena in June (God willing)personally in view of what I've learned.

Proverbs 23